Something's In Our Water

There’s something in our water;
My sister drank it up;
She is now high with laughter;
There’s no more in her cup.

I found some of that water;
I could not drink it up;
I tell you I’m no josher;
There’s a lot still in my cup.

My stomach is now queasy;
I could be going crazy;
My sister is so cheesy;
I tell you it is spooky.

I took her to the doctor,
He said:  “Where is this water?”
He couldn’t find his tester,
So he drank some of this water.

The doctor is now cackling;
I fear there is no stopper;
This case is far too boggling;
I cannot stop his yapper.

Will someone please come save me?
This disease is too far catching;
Since no-one has the stopping key,
I’ll have to sit here watching.

~Alex Lynn Christensen


Anonymous said...

In Moroni they have crap in the water..turkey crap.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha very funny. I don't think this crap in the water really has anything do do with any towns!