A Caring Place

There is a desired place on earth,
Because there is no contention there;
For everyone has love.

There is a peaceful place on earth,
Because there is no war there;
For everyone is friendly.

There is an unselfish place on earth,
Because there is no greed there;
For everyone is charitable.

That place is home,
When everyone cares.

~Alex Lynn Christensen


Anonymous said...

I love the second to last line about home. There's a line in a song somewhere that says a house doesn't make a home and I have to agree. Like I said in the other one - it's mostly found in people. Maybe because people change and you can always find out more about them while a place stays much the same. Of course it still changes but not in the same way.

Michaelangelo said...

I like this poem Alex- it has a good feel to it. You have quite a talent with words... and randomness (other poems and blogs). Hope you don't mind me reading :)
Angela (Kristen's sister)