My Own World

Water gushes out of a mountainside;
A brooklet passes by.

Vivid colors all around me;
Time cannot deny.

The ocean so calming,
My security it gives.

The forest extending;
Trees that really live.

Melons of paradise;
A unique experience.

The smell of beauty,
Definite in presence.

The happy children laughing,
Singing, dancing, acting;

In the warm sun basking;
Playing like never before.

In a peaceful happy state,
Does this dream exist?

In my own, perfect world;
Or have I gone unmissed?

~Alex Lynn Christensen

You Remembered Me

I was in deep sorrow,
I knew not what to do;
With no thought of the morrow,
And no direction too.

I thought I had lost you,
We had drifted apart;
It was then that you called me,
And remembered the start.

All the times we played together,
We always thought it should last forever;
We even laughed and cried for each other,
We knew it couldn't get any better.

I knew it, knew it, knew it,
My thoughts came to a tee;
I love you, love you, love you,
It's all because you remembered me.

~Alex Lynn Christensen


There was a dull moment,
I knew not what to do.
With your beautiful smile,
You helped me right on through.

I feel so very special,
I know now what to do:
Hug you, hold you, kiss you,
Beautifully as you do!

~Alex Lynn Christensen

My Office

Pesky little buzzard.
Buzzzz... vvvt.
Ahh some silence!
Grr, I spoke too soon.
Grr, he got away.
So much to do,
So little time.
The final exam is tomorrow.
Ahh, back to normal!

~Alex Lynn Christensen

Something's In Our Water

There’s something in our water;
My sister drank it up;
She is now high with laughter;
There’s no more in her cup.

I found some of that water;
I could not drink it up;
I tell you I’m no josher;
There’s a lot still in my cup.

My stomach is now queasy;
I could be going crazy;
My sister is so cheesy;
I tell you it is spooky.

I took her to the doctor,
He said:  “Where is this water?”
He couldn’t find his tester,
So he drank some of this water.

The doctor is now cackling;
I fear there is no stopper;
This case is far too boggling;
I cannot stop his yapper.

Will someone please come save me?
This disease is too far catching;
Since no-one has the stopping key,
I’ll have to sit here watching.

~Alex Lynn Christensen

Is This Art?

Writing on paper;
Is it poetry,
Or is it words?

Paint on a canvas;
Is it a painting,
Or is it paint splatters?

Clay on a pedestal;
Is it a sculpture,
Or is it a heap of mud?

Music performed;
Is it an elegant sound,
Or is it noise?

The Eiffel tower;
Is it architecture,
Or is it bolted iron?

A hip-hop routine;
Is it a dance,
Or is it a jumping contest?

Which is right?
Which is wrong?
How is art defined?

~Alex Lynn Christensen


Somewhere is a garden,
Luscious and green.
A well defined path,
Warmed by sun’s light.

The fresh smell of rain,
A slight calming breeze.
A beautiful river,
Sparkling and pure.

A bright open meadow,
Butterflies flitting nigh.
Trees stretching to heaven,
Birds singing gaily.

A fountain shimmering,
Splashing delicate tears.
The hope of a rainbow,
Climbing above clouds.

The sweet melon,
Of paradise lost.
The storm clouds afar;
Lightning beyond the realm.

An urging hunger,
Prolonged within mankind.

~Alex Lynn Christensen

A Caring Place

There is a desired place on earth,
Because there is no contention there;
For everyone has love.

There is a peaceful place on earth,
Because there is no war there;
For everyone is friendly.

There is an unselfish place on earth,
Because there is no greed there;
For everyone is charitable.

That place is home,
When everyone cares.

~Alex Lynn Christensen


She spoke of a man, a perfect man;
Her one and only to be.

This man, he was a humorous man;
Who surfed all day on the sea.

He is a great and inspired man;
Whom everyone wanted to be.

He is a sweet magnificent man;
He holds a very dear key.

Now I find this courageous man;
And he really is not me!

~Alex Lynn Christensen


Light passes over;
Lightning strikes;
Rain falls hard.

Fear comes over;
My heart beats faster;
How long will it be?

Stuck in this hole;
Will I live or die?
Can anyone hear me?

I try to get out;
It will not work;
This hole is only me.

~Alex Lynn Christensen


thoughts perfected
a plan is made
work has begun

this creator unique
only she knows how
none can complete

meant for me
now it cannot be
for she is gone

~Alex Lynn Christensen

This one may take some explanation because it was meant for only me to understand. My grandma started crocheting a cool thing for me and it was going to have my name crocheted into it. Unfortunately she died before she was very far into it.


The future seems to fly by;
The past seems so long ago.
It was then that I saw you;
It is now that I miss you.

You came like a dream;
Faded like twilight;
Then, then that I lost you;
Lost like my thoughts.

Wait, there's a glimmer;
You come through the mist.
The fog of my sorrow,
Begins to not exist.

My joy once postponed;
It is you I see now!

–Alex Christensen and Catherine Miles